Thursday, August 8, 2013


Hey everyone,

Neil here. Below I've posted 9 songs, which make up an album that I've been calling Jailbird: a project I've been working on over the past 3-4 years. I did all the vocals and instruments myself and recorded it all in my apartment with some equipment I bought with Summer in Medicine (SIM) money. I actually had always planned to make this music as part of a group, but because medical school kept getting in the way, it just never worked out. So I'm putting this up under the pseudonym/band-name, "The Modern Woodmen Forester Team"in the hopes that someday it will be more than just me. In the meantime though, thanks so much for listening!

-My Island Life: an Introduction-


-Tom Sawyer-

-Again and Again-


-Tell Tale-

-Your Evening Rig-


-The Tip of My Tongue-

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